Mini Computer Sensor

Mini Computer Sensor
Uri Griner and Jim Pyers of World of Wonders Science Museum in Lodi, CA designed and built this mini computer sensor with TAP products. Jim, a long-time customer for TAP, used mostly our acrylic rods and sheets to build this project. Below is the letter describing his work.

"Here are photos of the latest exhibit that I made for the World of Wonders Science Museum with help from Chris and Kim at TAP Plastics. A minicomputer sensor reads how much red, blue and green is in the colored acrylic rods. The new TAP Plastic LED black acrylic that Chris introduced me to was used for the numeric numbers and signage. On one side of the exhibit placing a red acrylic rod behind a blue acrylic sheet reveals that the blue color absorbs the red. On the other side is a red acrylic sheet and putting a blue acrylic rod behind it will show that its color is incorporated. Thank you TAP Plastics. I couldn't do it without you. Jim Pyers"