WW2 P-47 Model Display Case

John DeRosia wanted to thank the TAP Lynnwood store, here's what he wrote:
“I was commissioned to build a model of a WW2 P-47 from the family of a Real USA Ace who flew the P-47 called Shirley Jane III. To complete the presentation, I needed a clear showcase before handing it over to the family. I was told about TAP Plastics in Lynnwood (WA) but had never heard of it and had never been there. I looked them up, sent an email of the dimensions of the case and was given a quote in less than a few hours. When I showed up a few days later, they cut the pieces for me and TAP also had the glue and applicator I needed. When I got home, the pieces were all accurate per my dimensions, I glued them together, and it made a final beautiful showcase for the model.
The family was more than thankful for the model. It was my honor to build this and thank “Bill” Fisher, the P-47 ACE, and all veterans who have fought for our freedom. Thank you TAP for your great support.”
“I was commissioned to build a model of a WW2 P-47 from the family of a Real USA Ace who flew the P-47 called Shirley Jane III. To complete the presentation, I needed a clear showcase before handing it over to the family. I was told about TAP Plastics in Lynnwood (WA) but had never heard of it and had never been there. I looked them up, sent an email of the dimensions of the case and was given a quote in less than a few hours. When I showed up a few days later, they cut the pieces for me and TAP also had the glue and applicator I needed. When I got home, the pieces were all accurate per my dimensions, I glued them together, and it made a final beautiful showcase for the model.
The family was more than thankful for the model. It was my honor to build this and thank “Bill” Fisher, the P-47 ACE, and all veterans who have fought for our freedom. Thank you TAP for your great support.”