TAP Marine Grade Epoxy Resin and Hardeners
Marine Epoxy A-Side Resin 314, 32 oz
Marine Epoxy A-Side Resin 314, 1 gallon
Fast B-Side Hardener 102, 8 oz
Fast B-Side Hardener 102, 32 oz
Fast B-Side Hardener 102, 1 gallon
Medium B-Side Hardener 109, 8 oz
Medium B-Side Hardener 109, 32 oz
Medium B-Side Hardener 109, 1 gallon
Slow B-Side Hardener 143, 16 oz
Slow B-Side Hardener 143, 64 oz
A Premium Epoxy System with 100% solids, no solvents, and very simple mix ratios.
TAP Marine Grade Epoxy is perhaps the safest epoxy on the market. Its low toxicity allows us to ship it without special restrictions. Blend the A-Side of the System, TAP 314 Resin, with your choice of three different hardeners (see below) to achieve different cure rates and physical properties. Currently, the majority of watercraft are made of polyester resins, which are excellent for initial construction. For repairs, however, they lack the tenacious adhesive properties of Marine Grade Epoxy. This epoxy is a stronger adhesive and forms a superior bond to polyester and many other materials. Polyester will shrink during cure, creating stress at the point of repair. Marine Grade has no significant shrinkage during cure. TAP 314 Resin is transparent with a very low viscosity. All items are available in 5-gallon sizes by phone order only: (888) 827-7330 Mon-Fri 9 am to 5 pm (PST).B-Side Hardener • 102 • Fast
Fast cure, 2.5 to 3 hours. 14 to 19 minute pot-life. Cures at a low temperature, down to 40ºF. The mix ratio is 4 to 1. Use for adhesive, laminating, and fairing. Excellent fuel and solvent resistance.
B-Side Hardener • 109 • Medium
Medium cure, 5 to 5.5 hours. 30 to 35 minute pot-life. Clearest of the hardeners for a transparent finish. The mix ratio is 4 to 1. Use for adhesive, laminating, clear finishes. This hardener is the most sensitive to temperature. It should be cured at no lower than 77ºF. Ideal cure temperature is 80º-85ºF. Lower temperatures will produce blushing and potential incomplete cure.
B-Side Hardener • 143 • Slow
Slow cure, 6 to 6.5 hours. 30 to 35 minute pot-life. Minimum temperature use: 40ºF. Cures at either a summer or winter temperature. Very low viscosity. Excellent wet out, chemical and impact resistance. Mix ratio is 2 to 1. Use for adhesive, laminating, and penetrating.
TAP Video: How To Make Fiberglass Part - Part 1
TAP Video: How To Make Fiberglass Part - Part 2
Click here for TAP Premium Marine Grade Product Bulletin.
Click here for Fiberglass Resin Comparison Chart.
Click here for tips for TAP Marine Grade Epoxy System.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 102 Label.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 102 Hardener Safety Data Sheet.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 109 Label.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 109 Hardener Safety Data Sheet.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 143 Label.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 143 Hardener Safety Data Sheet.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 314 Label.
Click here for TAP Marine Grade 314 Resin Safety Data Sheet.